This Aquarius season will challenge us to strengthen our connections and obligations to one another even while our current circumstances keep us apart. The new systems of communication, reciprocity, value, and relations we built are being tested in the background, forcing many to realize that we can no longer go back to our old way of doing things. Even so, the expansion felt in some parts of our lives may motivate us to accept this new reality. Mid-season serves as a turning point where we commit to maintaining these new systems for organizing our lives and the people in them. After this point, we close out the season ready to reclaim authority over the knowledge we share and the things we value. The culmination of this hard work allows us to fiercely stand up for ourselves during a period that may flatten our needs in favor of the concerns of the collective.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

This Aquarius season will challenge us to strengthen our connections and obligations to one another even while our current circumstances keep us apart. The new systems of communication, reciprocity, value, and relations we built are being tested in the background, forcing many to realize that we can no longer go back to our old way of doing things. Even so, the expansion felt in some parts of our lives may motivate us to accept this new reality. Mid-season serves as a turning point where we commit to maintaining these new systems for organizing our lives and the people in them. After this point, we close out the season ready to reclaim authority over the knowledge we share and the things we value. The culmination of this hard work allows us to fiercely stand up for ourselves during a period that may flatten our needs in favor of the concerns of the collective.

January 20 - February 18

While you feel empowered to seize opportunities from networks that are opening up to you, this season will highlight a need to create defenses against people working at cross purposes to you. Try not to get wrapped up in the hidden politics of your network, since this can be detrimental to the community that you are seeking to build. As you become increasingly visible for your ability to inspire others, prioritize opportunities that encourage building communities around deeply shared values.

This season you will be empowered to hold others accountable for the commitments they have made to themselves. Individuals may confide in you the pleasures and passions they may feel ashamed about this month. You are in a position to remind them about the importance of communicating what is non-negotiable, especially during a time where unpredictability unmoors us from our foundations and we tend to lose clarity. Many fail to realize that your timeless, sagely advice is informed by the processing of patterns that have hindered you in love, communication, and pursuit of passions in the past. By holding others accountable for the self they project to the world, you can integrate many of these lessons into your own journey.

March 21 - April 19

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

Rely on your networks to ease the transition into new roles in your career. You may be in a position to mobilize others in contributing towards your big picture goals, but this may come at the cost of disrupting harmonious relationships. Regardless, this is a good period to demonstrate your fitness to lead. You might find yourself booked and busy trying to polish your grand project.

Rely on your networks to ease the transition into new roles in your career. You may be in a position to mobilize others in contributing towards your big picture goals, but this may come at the cost of disrupting harmonious relationships. Regardless, this is a good period to demonstrate your fitness to lead. You might find yourself booked and busy trying to polish your grand project.

February 19 - March 20

While you feel empowered to seize opportunities from networks that are opening up to you, this season will highlight a need to create defenses against people working at cross purposes to you. Try not to get wrapped up in the hidden politics of your network, since this can be detrimental to the community that you are seeking to build. As you become increasingly visible for your ability to inspire others, prioritize opportunities that encourage building communities around deeply shared values. 

While you feel empowered to seize opportunities from networks that are opening up to you, this season will highlight a need to create defenses against people working at cross purposes to you. Try not to get wrapped up in the hidden politics of your network, since this can be detrimental to the community that you are seeking to build. As you become increasingly visible for your ability to inspire others, prioritize opportunities that encourage building communities around deeply shared values. 

April 20 - April 20

The increased responsibility you have acquired in your latest role will challenge you to utilize old knowledge in new contexts. There may be doctrines or customs that you might want to revive since they represent timeless manifestations of values or experiences you would like to bring back. Throughout this period, you may be challenged to translate these practices into the framework of our current struggle so that people might be mobilized to fight for them.

The increased responsibility you have acquired in your latest role will challenge you to utilize old knowledge in new contexts. There may be doctrines or customs that you might want to revive since they represent timeless manifestations of values or experiences you would like to bring back. Throughout this period, you may be challenged to translate these practices into the framework of our current struggle so that people might be mobilized to fight for them.

May 21 - June 20

Grappling with losses and secrets may challenge your commitment to certain foundational beliefs in your life. This is a time to revisit the indulgences of the past and right certain wrongs, especially if the things that you enjoyed came at the expense of others. Conversely, if you were taken advantage of, this might be a period to review the histories of what happened in ways that will empower you to move forward.

Grappling with losses and secrets may challenge your commitment to certain foundational beliefs in your life. This is a time to revisit the indulgences of the past and right certain wrongs, especially if the things that you enjoyed came at the expense of others. Conversely, if you were taken advantage of, this might be a period to review the histories of what happened in ways that will empower you to move forward.

June 21 - July 22

A whirlwind romance may be heavily constrained by certain omissions or prior obligations to another person. In the struggle to create a safe space that facilitates intimacy, certain things need to be disclosed before you and anyone involved can move forward. There may be opportunities to boldly pursue the relationship you want while quietly putting to bed the ghosts of relationships past. 

A whirlwind romance may be heavily constrained by certain omissions or prior obligations to another person. In the struggle to create a safe space that facilitates intimacy, certain things need to be disclosed before you and anyone involved can move forward. There may be opportunities to boldly pursue the relationship you want while quietly putting to bed the ghosts of relationships past.

July 23 - August 22

The dance between harmony and conflict in the workplace might be influenced by your understanding of relationships and the boundaries needed to keep them functional. You may put your livelihood on the line this month by encouraging colleagues to stand up for a fairer distribution of resources that reflects the hard work each person puts into a process. As stressful as it may feel, your efforts may create a more productive and equitable environment in which more people can thrive.

The dance between harmony and conflict in the workplace might be influenced by your understanding of relationships and the boundaries needed to keep them functional. You may put your livelihood on the line this month by encouraging colleagues to stand up for a fairer distribution of resources that reflects the hard work each person puts into a process. As stressful as it may feel, your efforts may create a more productive and equitable environment in which more people can thrive.

August 23 - September 22

Your need to cultivate practices worth committing to may be driving an unconscious desire to pursue a new hobby or art form. You might enjoy navigating the liminal space between discipline and having fun that you may unintentionally find a new line of work for yourself. Do not be surprised if you are renegotiating the terms of your existing work to make space for creations you can put your heart and soul into. Family and partners may pour resources and love into your hobby-turned-side-hustle.

Your need to cultivate practices worth committing to may be driving an unconscious desire to pursue a new hobby or art form. You might enjoy navigating the liminal space between discipline and having fun that you may unintentionally find a new line of work for yourself. Do not be surprised if you are renegotiating the terms of your existing work to make space for creations you can put your heart and soul into. Family and partners may pour resources and love into your hobby-turned-side-hustle.

September 23 - October 22

Remodeling your home and private life is subliminally reflecting your want to create something new. This is a period of dissecting and investigating your origins to understand your gravitation towards certain art forms and practices. This might be your chance to rewrite familial histories by cultivating lifestyles, relationships, and habits that defy your ancestors’ wildest dreams and expectations.

Remodeling your home and private life is subliminally reflecting your want to create something new. This is a period of dissecting and investigating your origins to understand your gravitation towards certain art forms and practices. This might be your chance to rewrite familial histories by cultivating lifestyles, relationships, and habits that defy your ancestors’ wildest dreams and expectations.

October 23 - November 21

The struggle to stabilize your home life might drive you to build rapport with the people in your everyday life. Your communities may uplift you in ways that allow you to invest energy into your creative pursuits, and even foster potential opportunities for fruitful collaboration. The results of these collaborations may allow you to settle debts or revise contracts so that you can feel more secure in your home life.

The struggle to stabilize your home life might drive you to build rapport with the people in your everyday life. Your communities may uplift you in ways that allow you to invest energy into your creative pursuits, and even foster potential opportunities for fruitful collaboration. The results of these collaborations may allow you to settle debts or revise contracts so that you can feel more secure in your home life.

November 22 - December 21

While you may feel that the freedom you have to establish new roots somewhere is tied to expanding your income, it is important to commit to the right communities and daily practices. Community might provide insight on how you can use your resources to integrate effectively into a new environment. This season will allow you to cultivate wealth and values independent from your family, and reflect your ability to grow into your own.

While you may feel that the freedom you have to establish new roots somewhere is tied to expanding your income, it is important to commit to the right communities and daily practices. Community might provide insight on how you can use your resources to integrate effectively into a new environment. This season will allow you to cultivate wealth and values independent from your family, and reflect your ability to grow into your own.

December 22 - January 19

Securing your bag and committing to your values is indirectly supporting the personal transformation you have been working towards in many aspects of your life. You might find yourself influencing your success (and that of others) through refining your values and rejecting that which does not fit into a system tried and tested by you. This is a good period for maximizing your social, financial, and cultural capital by giving voice to this personal transformation.

Securing your bag and committing to your values is indirectly supporting the personal transformation you have been working towards in many aspects of your life. You might find yourself influencing your success (and that of others) through refining your values and rejecting that which does not fit into a system tried and tested by you. This is a good period for maximizing your social, financial, and cultural capital by giving voice to this personal transformation.

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Written by Mo Olufem

Mo Olufemi is US-born, Toronto-based traditional astrologer who specializes in Solar Returns and other Hellenistic or Medieval timing techniques. She is also versed in the combination of Tarot with Astrological Correspondences via the Golden Dawn traditions.

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