Welcome, Aquarius Season!

From January 20th to February 18th, we move through the season of the water-bearer. Packed with social commitments and buzzing with bright energy, the duality of this season lies between business and stillness. Aquarius, the water-bearer, works by carrying water to the community, making this the ultimate season of the relationship between the individual and the collective.

Exiting December’s Mercury retrograde gives us a nice sense of momentum. On January 23rd, Venus enters Capricorn – helping us channel our passion into productivity. January 25th brings a full moon in Leo – a great moment to look inward and shine bright.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome, Aquarius Season!

From January 20th to February 18th, we move through the season of the water-bearer. Packed with social commitments and buzzing with bright energy, the duality of this season lies between business and stillness. Aquarius, the water-bearer, works by carrying water to the community, making this the ultimate season of the relationship between the individual and the collective.

Exiting December’s Mercury retrograde gives us a nice sense of momentum. On January 23rd, Venus enters Capricorn – helping us channel our passion into productivity. January 25th brings a full moon in Leo – a great moment to look inward and shine bright.


March 21 - April 19

Though sometimes you can feel like an individualist, Aries, this month finds you deep in community. Team projects, collaborations, and communication will come easily and you’ll likely feel in flow. This is also a great moment, if presented with challenges you typically try to face alone, to try sourcing support from friends.

Though sometimes you can feel like an individualist, Aries, this month finds you deep in community. Team projects, collaborations, and communication will come easily and you’ll likely feel in flow. This is also a great moment, if presented with challenges you typically try to face alone, to try sourcing support from friends.


May 21 - June 20

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

You’ll get some good thinking done this season, Gemini, finding breakthroughs within patterns that might have been making you feel stuck. For someone who is already cerebral, these realizations will feel adventurous and exciting. Spend extra time journaling, and see where you go.

You’ll get some good thinking done this season, Gemini, finding breakthroughs within patterns that might have been making you feel stuck. For someone who is already cerebral, these realizations will feel adventurous and exciting. Spend extra time journaling, and see where you go.


April 20 - May 20

This season lights up your career, Taurus, illuminating pathways toward success and meaning through your work. A new project, collaboration, or leadership position might seek you out – take this time to notice and enjoy what it feels like to be recognized for your hard work. Don’t forget to build in time for celebration, and rest.


June 21 - July 22

This season finds you sitting with questions of trust – of yourself, and those around you. You took stock of relationships when 2024 began, but now is a moment to look at investments: where would you like to share most of yourself? It’s a good moment to evaluate where your emotional assets lie in the year ahead.

This season finds you sitting with questions of trust – of yourself, and those around you. You took stock of relationships when 2024 began, but now is a moment to look at investments: where would you like to share most of yourself? It’s a good moment to evaluate where your emotional assets lie in the year ahead.


July 23 - August 22

This season, you have questions of reciprocity. While you can operate boldly independently, you might find people orbiting you to connect. Partnerships (friend, romantic, professional) will be top-of-mind. When you shine your light, who shines back?

This season, you have questions of reciprocity. While you can operate boldly independently, you might find people orbiting you to connect. Partnerships (friend, romantic, professional) will be top-of-mind. When you shine your light, who shines back?


August 23 - September 22

This season is all about organization for you Virgo—which you might love! Use that energy more for sustainable practice and less for checking things off to-do lists. What rhythms do you want to implement long-term? Now is the time to experiment and see what works.

This season is all about organization for you Virgo—which you might love! Use that energy more for sustainable practice and less for checking things off to-do lists. What rhythms do you want to implement long-term? Now is the time to experiment and see what works.


September 23 - October 21

Though it might still be winter, this season brings you warmth. It will likely feel easy to find fun, play, and self-expression. This is an astrologically primed moment for life to become romantic, so do yourself a favor and build in extra free time for spontaneity – you never know what might fill that space.

Though it might still be winter, this season brings you warmth. It will likely feel easy to find fun, play, and self-expression. This is an astrologically primed moment for life to become romantic, so do yourself a favor and build in extra free time for spontaneity – you never know what might fill that space.


October 22 - November 21

This season is your moment to nest, Scorpio. Luxuriate into your home, the deliciousness of hibernation, and the satisfaction of good sleep and stillness. Remember that the only way to re-energize and heal is through quiet. Embrace that coziness.

This season is your moment to nest, Scorpio. Luxuriate into your home, the deliciousness of hibernation, and the satisfaction of good sleep and stillness. Remember that the only way to re-energize and heal is through quiet. Embrace that coziness.


November 22 - December 21

2024 might have started quietly for you, Sagittarius, but get ready. The pace is about to pick up. Information downloads, illuminating conversations, and meaningful messages will feel abundant and come in flurries. With communications orbiting you, make sure you’re taking enough time in quiet to process

2024 might have started quietly for you, Sagittarius, but get ready. The pace is about to pick up. Information downloads, illuminating conversations, and meaningful messages will feel abundant and come in flurries. With communications orbiting you, make sure you’re taking enough time in quiet to process.


December 22 - January 19

Though, sadly, your birthday is over, Capricorn, you’re always good at continuing with whatever journey life presents you. This month, Venus is in your sign – you might find the world beckoning to you with more beauty and more love. Your job now? Balance work with pleasure.

Though, sadly, your birthday is over, Capricorn, you’re always good at continuing with whatever journey life presents you. This month, Venus is in your sign – you might find the world beckoning to you with more beauty and more love. Your job now? Balance work with pleasure.


January 20 - February 18

Time to celebrate you! As an air sign, you bring levity and dynamism to your universe. You are known for your distinctive thinking, individual flair, and idealistic vision of what the future can hold. Use this time to reflect on your year and notice where you’ve helped – both yourself and those around you. This solar return is less about looking forward, and more about celebrating how far you’ve come.

This might be a bit of a dreamy season for you, Aquarius. With longer nights and cozy winter days, you have time to let your mind wander and turn inward. This would be a great time to dig into self-reflection and mindfulness routines.


February 19 - March 20

This season, Pisces, you might find yourself feeling sleepier than usual. Embrace the doldrums, as you’re in an astro moment that is more about spirituality and the unconscious. Use this time to lean into whatever downloads you get from dreams – that way, you’ll be wide awake by the time your birthday washes through next month.

This season, you lean into the community around you. As a porous being, often you need time alone to reset. Though that might still be true, this season you’ll find yourself more energized and nourished by those around you than you have in a long time.