Welcome, Aries Season! From March 20th through April 20th, we start fresh.

Aries, the sign of the astrological new year, is embodied by the Ram: headstrong, determined, and bold. A fire sign, Aries beckons us into the part of the year that directly follows the Equinox. We welcome the light, and the heat it brings.

 Right before the season begins, on March 18th, Mercury enters Aries. This shift primes us to communicate directly, manifesting what we want. A couple of days later, on March 21st, we welcome the New Moon in Aries. April 6th brings us a full moon in Libra, turning our attention toward our relationships. Things will feel quickly activated, the seeds that we planted deep in the winter beginning to sprout.

Food vibes this season: fresh! Eat fresh fruit. Watch snap peas and carrot tops and spring garlic pop up. Enjoy a picnic at any temperature. Eat a little later than usual, basking in the light.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome, Aries Season! From March 20th through April 20th, we start fresh.Aries, the sign of the astrological new year, is embodied by the Ram: headstrong, determined, and bold. A fire sign, Aries beckons us into the part of the year that directly follows the Equinox. We welcome the light, and the heat it brings. Right before the season begins, on March 18th, Mercury enters Aries. This shift primes us to communicate directly, manifesting what we want. A couple of days later, on March 21st, we welcome the New Moon in Aries. April 6th brings us a full moon in Libra, turning our attention toward our relationships. Things will feel quickly activated, the seeds that we planted deep in the winter beginning to sprout.Food vibes this season: fresh! Eat fresh fruit. Watch snap peas and carrot tops and spring garlic pop up. Enjoy a picnic at any temperature. Eat a little later than usual, basking in the light.

January 20 - February 18

This season can feel voluminous for you, an infusion of levity and possibility. You’ll find motivation where it may have been laying dormant. Hold the confidence that feels accessible and close to you, a flower in your pocket.

This season can feel voluminous for you, an infusion of levity and possibility. You’ll find motivation where it may have been laying dormant. Hold the confidence that feels accessible and close to you, a flower in your pocket.

March 21 - April 19

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

Welcome to your Birthday Moment, Aries! You bring directness, hope, energy, and power to this time of year. Your boldness, both within yourself and radiating toward the world, helps us levitate into springtime.

 This month, you might feel a little more connected to your emotions than usual. This might be because of how celebrated your loved ones make you feel, but it also could come from the fresh start and clarity this season’s alignment gives you. Enjoy that quiet warmth you feel, with company and alone, knowing things are about to start.

Welcome to your Birthday Moment, Aries! You bring directness, hope, energy, and power to this time of year. Your boldness, both within yourself and radiating toward the world, helps us levitate into springtime. This month, you might feel a little more connected to your emotions than usual. This might be because of how celebrated your loved ones make you feel, but it also could come from the fresh start and clarity this season’s alignment gives you. Enjoy that quiet warmth you feel, with company and alone, knowing things are about to start.

February 19 - March 20

Though we move on from your sign on March 20th, you won’t feel sad. You’re ready for a fresh start and some structure. What fire, perhaps lying dormant over the winter, could you be feeling this spring?

Though we move on from your sign on March 20th, you won’t feel sad. You’re ready for a fresh start and some structure. What fire, perhaps lying dormant over the winter, could you be feeling this spring?

April 20 - April 20

Use this lead-up to your birthday season to organize and tie up loose ends. Knowing you, you’ve probably been spring cleaning for some time already. Now, carve out new space for the world you want to build.

Use this lead-up to your birthday season to organize and tie up loose ends. Knowing you, you’ve probably been spring cleaning for some time already. Now, carve out new space for the world you want to build.

May 21 - June 20

Whatever gentleness Pisces season brought you will get infused by this season’s boost of confidence. With more sun activating you, your social life will pick up the tempo. The world is flirting with you.

Whatever gentleness Pisces season brought you will get infused by this season’s boost of confidence. With more sun activating you, your social life will pick up the tempo. The world is flirting with you.

June 21 - July 22

This is a good moment, glowing with springtime light, to ask directly for what you want. Time’s rhythms are picking up and now is the moment to engage with the ideas that you’ve been fantasizing about. You’ve done a good job planting seeds – now tend to them.

This is a good moment, glowing with springtime light, to ask directly for what you want. Time’s rhythms are picking up and now is the moment to engage with the ideas that you’ve been fantasizing about. You’ve done a good job planting seeds – now tend to them.

July 23 - August 22

It may feel like your world is expanding, Leo! Enjoy the burst of possibility that this moment is giving you. Take seriously what’s being offered, just be mindful of overextension and burnout. Better a slow, strong flame than a quick, bright one.

It may feel like your world is expanding, Leo! Enjoy the burst of possibility that this moment is giving you. Take seriously what’s being offered, just be mindful of overextension and burnout. Better a slow, strong flame than a quick, bright one.

August 23 - September 22

You’ve been doing a good job getting organized and preparing for this moment. Now is the time when logistical questions will be asked of you that you are ready to answer. Make sure to cross your t’s and dot your I’s, and enjoy what your planning will bring you.

You’ve been doing a good job getting organized and preparing for this moment. Now is the time when logistical questions will be asked of you that you are ready to answer. Make sure to cross your t’s and dot your I’s, and enjoy what your planning will bring you.

September 23 - October 22

This might feel like a bold moment for your relationships, Libra! You’ve been daydreaming for some time about springtime splendor. On the full moon of April 6th, let the blossoms of your love life unfurl.

This might feel like a bold moment for your relationships, Libra! You’ve been daydreaming for some time about springtime splendor. On the full moon of April 6th, let the blossoms of your love life unfurl.

October 23 - November 21

If you’ve been a little heavy from all the water lately, Scorpio, get ready for some fire! You need structure to grow into the boldness that this season asks of you, so make sure that you’ve cleared the space you need to embrace the new season with levity and optimism.

If you’ve been a little heavy from all the water lately, Scorpio, get ready for some fire! You need structure to grow into the boldness that this season asks of you, so make sure that you’ve cleared the space you need to embrace the new season with levity and optimism.

November 22 - December 21

The infusion of energy this season will feel deeply aligned for you, Sagittarius, and your attraction to opportunity. Be mindful of grounding as you go and not losing tempo with the rush of this Aries movement. Your job is to enjoy, but stay steady.

The infusion of energy this season will feel deeply aligned for you, Sagittarius, and your attraction to opportunity. Be mindful of grounding as you go and not losing tempo with the rush of this Aries movement. Your job is to enjoy, but stay steady.

December 22 - January 19

For you, the boldness of this season and the quickfire can feel, in moments, like a lot at once. You’ll do your best to set boundaries, deciding where and when to rush and hold pace. You don’t need to be in step with anyone else to walk with them. Wherever you are is good.

For you, the boldness of this season and the quickfire can feel, in moments, like a lot at once. You’ll do your best to set boundaries, deciding where and when to rush and hold pace. You don’t need to be in step with anyone else to walk with them. Wherever you are is good.

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