Welcome, Pisces Season! From February 20th - March 20th, dreams are invited, and encouraged!


Pisces, the Fish, is known as the most empathic sign in the zodiac. Swimming through the ebbs and flows of life’s currents, this sign encourages us to accept and embrace what is invisible. Ruled by Neptune, this season is a moment when we can feel particularly attuned to the spiritual elements of the world around us.

On February 20th, the season begins with a new moon in Pisces. This is an imaginative fresh start, encouraging us to center dreams and desires at the forefront of our minds. On March 7th, to help those dreams come to fruition, we get a Full Moon in Virgo. This will help with clarity around mechanisms with which to make those fantasies come true.

A common Pisces season misconception is confusing sensitivity with seriousness. But we aren’t supposed to reckon with life’s great mysteries without having some fun! This month, through all the feelings and fantasy, embrace a sense of play. Celebrate the aspects of the season that feel the least available to understand.

Food vibes this season: oceanic. Oysters, olives, brine. Snack on seaweed. If you drink martinis dry, try them dirty. If you can, eat by the water.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome, Pisces Season! From February 20th - March 20th, dreams are invited, and encouraged!

Pisces, the Fish, is known as the most empathic sign in the zodiac. Swimming through the ebbs and flows of life’s currents, this sign encourages us to accept and embrace what is invisible. Ruled by Neptune, this season is a moment when we can feel particularly attuned to the spiritual elements of the world around us.

On February 20th, the season begins with a new moon in Pisces. This is an imaginative fresh start, encouraging us to center dreams and desires at the forefront of our minds. On March 7th, to help those dreams come to fruition, we get a Full Moon in Virgo. This will help with clarity around mechanisms with which to make those fantasies come true.

A common Pisces season misconception is confusing sensitivity with seriousness. But we aren’t supposed to reckon with life’s great mysteries without having some fun! This month, through all the feelings and fantasy, embrace a sense of play. Celebrate the aspects of the season that feel the least available to understand.

 Food vibes this season: oceanic. Oysters, olives, brine. Snack on seaweed. If you drink martinis dry, try them dirty. If you can, eat by the water.

January 20 - February 18

Something has been happening in your creative realm, flowing easier than ever before. Let that light you up! Though your birthday season may have passed, some beautiful projects have just begun.

Something has been happening in your creative realm, flowing easier than ever before. Let that light you up! Though your birthday season may have passed, some beautiful projects have just begun.

March 21 - April 19

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

This season, you might feel a sense of urgency to quickly finish or figure things out. Do what feels comfortable, but be careful not to rush. 

This season, you might feel a sense of urgency to quickly finish or figure things out. Do what feels comfortable, but be careful not to rush. 

February 19 - March 20

Happy Birthday, Pisces! Welcome to your season. With a new moon in Pisces to start your season off, a precedent is set for space-clearing. Make an emotional checklist of what can go – now is a moment where you’ll feel empowered to dissolve dynamics that have kept some of your potential at bay. Trusting yourself will feel easy.

Your season is about dreams, imagination, fluidity, and creativity. Let yourself daydream as much as you want and ride the waves of emotion with joy – just make sure you’ve got some grounding tools if the sentiment becomes overwhelming.

 Most of all, your sign marks the end of a cycle. Pisces is said to be all the signs together so hold yourself dear, and celebrate the connections and compassion you bring us all!

Happy Birthday, Pisces! Welcome to your season. With a new moon in Pisces to start your season off, a precedent is set for space-clearing. Make an emotional checklist of what can go – now is a moment where you’ll feel empowered to dissolve dynamics that have kept some of your potential at bay. Trusting yourself will feel easy.

Your season is about dreams, imagination, fluidity, and creativity. Let yourself daydream as much as you want and ride the waves of emotion with joy – just make sure you’ve got some grounding tools if the sentiment becomes overwhelming.

 Most of all, your sign marks the end of a cycle. Pisces is said to be all the signs together so hold yourself dear, and celebrate the connections and compassion you bring us all!

April 20 -May 20

The hard work you’ve been doing – on the inside and outside – will be paying off this season. This winter hasn’t been effortless but look at all that you’ve built. When good things come, don’t forget to celebrate.

The hard work you’ve been doing – on the inside and outside – will be paying off this season. This winter hasn’t been effortless but look at all that you’ve built. When good things come, don’t forget to celebrate.

May 21 - June 20

This season holds some goal-setting for you, enhanced by an extra dosage of creativity. Let yourself be more imaginative than you typically let yourself– there’s no space for judgment in fantasy.

This season holds some goal-setting for you, enhanced by an extra dosage of creativity. Let yourself be more imaginative than you typically let yourself– there’s no space for judgment in fantasy.

June 21 - July 22

This season, you’ll feel softer than usual; tender, and cozy. Lean into your home space and be sure to prioritize rest. Where do you find the most peace?

This season, you’ll feel softer than usual; tender, and cozy. Lean into your home space and be sure to prioritize rest. Where do you find the most peace?

July 23 - August 22

This moment might unearth some emotional realities that were previously easy to ignore. Though this might feel heavy at first, know that paying attention is the highest form of love. Deliver that care to yourself.

This moment might unearth some emotional realities that were previously easy to ignore. Though this might feel heavy at first, know that paying attention is the highest form of love. Deliver that care to yourself.

August 23 - September 22

This is a romantic moment for you, Virgo, with some love vibes orbiting around. Be sure to withhold judgment, around yourself and those you love. Be vulnerable to adoration. 

This is a romantic moment for you, Virgo, with some love vibes orbiting around. Be sure to withhold judgment, around yourself and those you love. Be vulnerable to adoration. 

September 23 - October 22

Pisces season has the capacity to activate relationships for you Libra, which is a fun and exciting rush! But be mindful, if you can, of not getting lost in someone else. Make sure to practice grounding care with yourself, giving yourself the love you need too.

Pisces season has the capacity to activate relationships for you Libra, which is a fun and exciting rush! But be mindful, if you can, of not getting lost in someone else. Make sure to practice grounding care with yourself, giving yourself the love you need too.

October 23 - November 21

This season feels a bit like a fresh start, Scorpio, and maybe one you hadn’t anticipated. You’ve been doing emotional research, consciously or not, the last few months. After a moment of processing, you’ll feel the clarity you’ve been looking for.

This season feels a bit like a fresh start, Scorpio, and maybe one you hadn’t anticipated. You’ve been doing emotional research, consciously or not, the last few months. After a moment of processing, you’ll feel the clarity you’ve been looking for.

November 22 - December 21

Rest in the early half of this season, Sagittarius, as you might find yourself a bit more flooded with emotions and stimuli than usual. You’ll find access to community and partnerships more available than ever, so experiment with leaning on love in ways you haven’t previously let yourself.

Rest in the early half of this season, Sagittarius, as you might find yourself a bit more flooded with emotions and stimuli than usual. You’ll find access to community and partnerships more available than ever, so experiment with leaning on love in ways you haven’t previously let yourself.

December 22 - January 19

You may be dealing with a little more emotion, and a little less satisfaction, than you’re used to this season. Remember that this moment is just that: a moment. Let yourself dip into the waves of sentimentality, knowing full well that you’ll shake off the doldrums soon.

You may be dealing with a little more emotion, and a little less satisfaction, than you’re used to this season. Remember that this moment is just that: a moment. Let yourself dip into the waves of sentimentality, knowing full well that you’ll shake off the doldrums soon.

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Shop Our Favorite Scorpio Looks

Written by Mo Olufem

Mo Olufemi is US-born, Toronto-based traditional astrologer who specializes in Solar Returns and other Hellenistic or Medieval timing techniques. She is also versed in the combination of Tarot with Astrological Correspondences via the Golden Dawn traditions.

Twitter: @austral_taur | Instagram: @australtaur | Linktree: https://linktr.ee/austral_taur