Welcome, Sagittarius Season!

From November 21 – December 21, we enjoy a season of expansion. This is an abundant time of year, symbolized by the image of the archer. Always on the mark, this sign brings a sense of exploration. A fire sign, Sagittarius illuminates winter in the Northern Hemisphere with energy and ambition.


Through social flurries and joviality, moon phases this season carry meaningful intensity. A full Moon in Gemini on November 27 may ask you to compartmentalize intellect and emotion. On December 12, we get both a new moon in Sagittarius and a Mercury retrograde. This combination asks us to move slowly and intentionally throughout the season, making sure our adventures have all the care they deserve.


Food vibes for this season: adventurous abundance. Curiosity abounds. Try something you’ve always thought wouldn’t work for you. Ask the people at the table beside you what kind of wine they ordered. Try new restaurants and recipes, playing with texture and flavor. Surprise yourself, and revel in it.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome, Sagittarius Season!

From November 21 – December 21, we enjoy a season of expansion. This is an abundant time of year, symbolized by the image of the archer. Always on the mark, this sign brings a sense of exploration. A fire sign, Sagittarius illuminates winter in the Northern Hemisphere with energy and ambition.

 Through social flurries and joviality, moon phases this season carry meaningful intensity. A full Moon in Gemini on November 27 may ask you to compartmentalize intellect and emotion. On December 12, we get both a new moon in Sagittarius and a Mercury retrograde. This combination asks us to move slowly and intentionally throughout the season, making sure our adventures have all the care they deserve.

 Food vibes for this season: adventurous abundance. Curiosity abounds. Try something you’ve always thought wouldn’t work for you. Ask the people at the table beside you what kind of wine they ordered. Try new restaurants and recipes, playing with texture and flavor. Surprise yourself, and revel in it.


March 21 - April 19

This season feels like something of a fresh start. You might find yourself being asked to jump into new positions, clearing bright spaces that appear like stars you’ve never noticed before. The social undercurrent of the moment will help you feel supported, even in taking great leaps. It’s a good time to be brave.

This season feels like something of a fresh start. You might find yourself being asked to jump into new positions, clearing bright spaces that appear like stars you’ve never noticed before. The social undercurrent of the moment will help you feel supported, even in taking great leaps. It’s a good time to be brave.


May 21 - June 20

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

This season, you might be asking yourself questions about emotional exchange. Where are you getting as much as you give? Applying this framework to relationships will feel worthwhile, especially because sometimes you’re too good at compartmentalizing to realize there might be more imbalance than you’d like. Use the full moon in your sign on November 27th to take a look at how you allocate your resources.

This season, you might be asking yourself questions about emotional exchange. Where are you getting as much as you give? Applying this framework to relationships will feel worthwhile, especially because sometimes you’re too good at compartmentalizing to realize there might be more imbalance than you’d like. Use the full moon in your sign on November 27th to take a look at how you allocate your resources.


April 20 - May 20

What does intimacy mean to you? How has your understanding of closeness changed over time? You can move slowly, Taurus, but notice what has shifted. This season has you focused on closeness, and how expansive the feeling between two people can be.


June 21 - July 22

This is your season to take good care, Cancer – particularly of yourself. Your relationships with routine and well-being might feel clearer and easier, allowing you to build habits that you might not have gotten around to in the past. Use the first part of this month to set yourself up for success, so that you can sail through December 12th’s movement of Mercury into retrograde.

This is your season to take good care, Cancer – particularly of yourself. Your relationships with routine and well-being might feel clearer and easier, allowing you to build habits that you might not have gotten around to in the past. Use the first part of this month to set yourself up for success, so that you can sail through December 12th’s movement of Mercury into retrograde.


July 23 - August 22

This season happily meets you in your ample capacity for festivity. Your solar energy will warm cooler spaces. You’ll be chatting a lot, so choose your words gracefully. As the month progresses, it will be easier for things to get lost in translation, so try to channel your light, with special attention, to say exactly what you mean.

This season happily meets you in your ample capacity for festivity. Your solar energy will warm cooler spaces. You’ll be chatting a lot, so choose your words gracefully. As the month progresses, it will be easier for things to get lost in translation, so try to channel your light, with special attention, to say exactly what you mean.


August 23 - September 22

While Sag season brings social flurries, this is a moment when you might be moved inward. As an earth sign, your home space lights you up this month and can feel particularly restorative. Protect that peace, knowing that nurturing yourself is going to be what helps you move through the world at your best.

While Sag season brings social flurries, this is a moment when you might be moved inward. As an earth sign, your home space lights you up this month and can feel particularly restorative. Protect that peace, knowing that nurturing yourself is going to be what helps you move through the world at your best.


September 23 - October 21

You’re always social, Libra, but this season amplifies your capacity for communication. You’ll find satisfaction in the business of parties and people. Use your natural capacity for balance, then, to incorporate rest into your schedule – getting clear in quiet moments will help you prepare for Mercury’s journey into retrograde on December 12.

You’re always social, Libra, but this season amplifies your capacity for communication. You’ll find satisfaction in the business of parties and people. Use your natural capacity for balance, then, to incorporate rest into your schedule – getting clear in quiet moments will help you prepare for Mercury’s journey into retrograde on December 12.


October 22 - November 21

You’ll locate abundance this season, Scorpio. A water sign, you can swim between material and spiritual worlds. This month, you might find some validation coming from the material world. Use this moment to organize your resources for the winter, and revel in the coziness you can create for yourself.

You’ll locate abundance this season, Scorpio. A water sign, you can swim between material and spiritual worlds.  This month, you might find some validation coming from the material world. Use this moment to organize your resources for the winter, and revel in the coziness you can create for yourself.


November 22 - December 21

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! Welcome to your season! Take this time to bask in the light that you create. The final fire sign of the zodiac, you round out the year with your expansive curiosity and bold nature. This month, the curiosity and interest you show to the world around you will be reflected. Use the new moon in your sign on December 12th to set your intentions for the year to come.

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! Welcome to your season! Take this time to bask in the light that you create. The final fire sign of the zodiac, you round out the year with your expansive curiosity and bold nature. This month, the curiosity and interest you show to the world around you will be reflected. Use the new moon in your sign on December 12th to set your intentions for the year to come.


December 22 - January 19

What have you been dreaming about, Capricorn? Literally and figuratively. This season, what is going on internally and unconsciously might have particular meaning and potency. Take the month to go a little quieter and tap into your internal landscape. What you find might make a difference.

What have you been dreaming about, Capricorn? Literally and figuratively. This season, what is going on internally and unconsciously might have particular meaning and potency. Take the month to go a little quieter and tap into your internal landscape. What you find might make a difference.


January 20 - February 18

This season, your connections will feel like constellations surrounding you. Tapping into community will feel fluid and productive, leading to discoveries – both internal and external. Balance out that dual-energy by channeling intention on November 27th’s full moon.

This season, your connections will feel like constellations surrounding you. Tapping into community will feel fluid and productive, leading to discoveries – both internal and external. Balance out that dual-energy by channeling intention on November 27th’s full moon.


February 19 - March 20

This is a work moment for you, Pisces, and it might feel long overdue. While you’ve spent plenty of time dreaming and manifesting, now is when the material aligns and you get the professional recognition you deserve. Bask in it, knowing that you’ve ridden an impressive wave.

This is a work moment for you, Pisces, and it might feel long overdue. While you’ve spent plenty of time dreaming and manifesting, now is when the material aligns and you get the professional recognition you deserve. Bask in it, knowing that you’ve ridden an impressive wave.