This Sagittarius season, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, obstructing its light and presenting us with the final eclipse of 2021. We’re making the necessary changes to our methods of acquiring knowledge and divorcing ourselves from “The Big Picture” so that we can focus on the details. At the tailend of Sagittarius season, Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and relationships will slow down and begin moving backwards (yes, just like Mercury Retrograde), calling us to reflect on our values. We’ll evaluate how we relate to different areas of our lives and decide whether or not we still enjoy these things. This reflection period begins with a deep transformation and upheaval that launches us into the depths of an area of our lives we haven’t reflected upon in 8 years of this Venus cycle. Think back to what was going on in your life around late December 2013-January 2014, it may share some resonance with the experiences that lie ahead.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

This Sagittarius season, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, obstructing its light and presenting us with the final eclipse of 2021. We’re making the necessary changes to our methods of acquiring knowledge and divorcing ourselves from “The Big Picture” so that we can focus on the details. At the tailend of Sagittarius season, Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and relationships will slow down and begin moving backwards (yes, just like Mercury Retrograde), calling us to reflect on our values. We’ll evaluate how we relate to different areas of our lives and decide whether or not we still enjoy these things. This reflection period begins with a deep transformation and upheaval that launches us into the depths of an area of our lives we haven’t reflected upon in 8 years of this Venus cycle. Think back to what was going on in your life around late December 2013-January 2014, it may share some resonance with the experiences that lie ahead.

March 21 - April 19

The significant changes you’ve been making to your belief systems are experiencing one final shift.

The significant changes you’ve been making to your belief systems are experiencing one final shift.

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

The significant changes you’ve been making to your belief systems are experiencing one final shift. It’s time to finally let go of ideas that no longer fit into your meaning of life. Career topics will become a greater focus as time progresses. Begin re-evaluating the achievements you’ve made in your career, their financial repercussions, and how they’ve impacted the relationships you foster.

The significant changes you’ve been making to your belief systems are experiencing one final shift. It’s time to finally let go of ideas that no longer fit into your meaning of life. Career topics will become a greater focus as time progresses. Begin re-evaluating the achievements you’ve made in your career, their financial repercussions, and how they’ve impacted the relationships you foster.

April 20 - April 20

How can you let go so that you can find independence?

How can you let go so that you can find independence?

Take some time to sit with how dependent you are on other people or how they’ve been dependent on you. How can you release some of that dependence so that you can find independence? Use this renewed sense of autonomy to reflect on how you experience yourself when learning about new things or traveling to an unknown land.

Take some time to sit with how dependent you are on other people or how they’ve been dependent on you. How can you release some of that dependence so that you can find independence? Use this renewed sense of autonomy to reflect on how you experience yourself when learning about new things or traveling to an unknown land.

May 21 - June 20

You’re an incredible conversationalist, but where do you draw the line when it comes to sharing personal details?

You’re an incredible conversationalist, but where do you draw the line when it comes to sharing personal details?

It’s time to finally let go of what you have thought romantic partnerships should look like. Previous partners may have peeled away, so use this time to pull inwards and focus on yourself. You’re an incredible conversationalist, but where do you draw the line when it comes to sharing personal details? Some things are best to keep private.

It’s time to finally let go of what you have thought romantic partnerships should look like. Previous partners may have peeled away, so use this time to pull inwards and focus on yourself. You’re an incredible conversationalist, but where do you draw the line when it comes to sharing personal details? Some things are best to keep private.

June 21 - July 22

You may find yourself needing to walk away from obligations and tasks that are no longer serving you.

You may find yourself needing to walk away from obligations and tasks that are no longer serving you.

Things may start getting busy for you and you may find yourself needing to walk away from obligations and tasks that are no longer serving you. During this time, you may also begin thinking deeply about the harmony of your relationships. What assessments need to be made to the values you share with the people closest to you?

Things may start getting busy for you and you may find yourself needing to walk away from obligations and tasks that are no longer serving you. During this time, you may also begin thinking deeply about the harmony of your relationships. What assessments need to be made to the values you share with the people closest to you?

July 23 - August 22

What have you been working on that you’re ready to share with the world?

What have you been working on that you’re ready to share with the world?

Changes are being made to your creative energy, what else have you been working on that you’re ready to share with the world? Take time to explore your authentic expression and shine like the bright star you were born to be.

Changes are being made to your creative energy, what else have you been working on that you’re ready to share with the world? Take time to explore your authentic expression and shine like the bright star you were born to be.

August 23 - September 22

Take a moment to reflect on how much has changed, and find some time to recenter.

Take a moment to reflect on how much has changed, and find some time to recenter.

Virgo, you’ve been making significant adjustments to your home and private life, during this time you’ll be offered the opportunity to make one final change. Take a moment to reflect on how much has been shaken up at home and find some time to recenter and reorient.

Virgo, you’ve been making significant adjustments to your home and private life, during this time you’ll be offered the opportunity to make one final change. Take a moment to reflect on how much has been shaken up at home and find some time to recenter and reorient.

September 23 - October 22

Reflect on how comfortable you are at home and with your family.

Reflect on how comfortable you are at home and with your family.

Your relationship to your immediate surroundings may face one final stretch. You might find yourself doing a deep self-evaluation that calls you to reflect on how comfortable you are at home and with your family. What components of your relationships work and which don’t? Take time to think about what matters to you most and communicate that with your loved ones.

Your relationship to your immediate surroundings may face one final stretch. You might find yourself doing a deep self-evaluation that calls you to reflect on how comfortable you are at home and with your family. What components of your relationships work and which don’t? Take time to think about what matters to you most and communicate that with your loved ones.

October 23 - November 21

You’ll see some final changes to your income during this time.

You’ll see some final changes to your income during this time.

Money and material goods have been a pressing topic in your life for the past year or so. You’ll see some final changes to your income during this time. You may find yourself rethinking the relationship between your neighbors and siblings, and the things you own. What adjustments need to be made so that you establish harmony with both?

Money and material goods have been a pressing topic in your life for the past year or so. You’ll see some final changes to your income during this time. You may find yourself rethinking the relationship between your neighbors and siblings, and the things you own. What adjustments need to be made so that you establish harmony with both?

November 22 - December 21

Changes to your social dynamics and work habits will contribute to building your authentic self.

Changes to your social dynamics and work habits will contribute to building your authentic self.

You have been undergoing a major transition in your life, you’ve been walking away from previous identities and finding a new way to show up in the world. Things may have felt draining but these shifts are coming to an end. You’ll be called to reflect on your relationship to money, your hopes and dreams and the labor that goes into the work you do. What adjustments need to be made to your financial situation so that you find a greater sense of balance and security? Changes to your social dynamics and work habits will contribute to building authenticity with the way you present yourself.

You have been undergoing a major transition in your life, you’ve been walking away from previous identities and finding a new way to show up in the world. Things may have felt draining but these shifts are coming to an end. You’ll be called to reflect on your relationship to money, your hopes and dreams and the labor that goes into the work you do. What adjustments need to be made to your financial situation so that you find a greater sense of balance and security? Changes to your social dynamics and work habits will contribute to building authenticity with the way you present yourself.

December 22 - January 19

This is a great time for a makeover. Figure out how to connect your spiritual needs to your physical ones.

This is a great time for a makeover. Figure out how to connect your spiritual needs to your physical ones.

This is a great time for a spiritual and physical makeover. Take a moment to retreat into solitude so you can meditate and reflect on problems pertaining to your spiritual and mental wellbeing. Begin the process by figuring out how to connect your spiritual needs to your physical ones.

This is a great time for a spiritual and physical makeover. Take a moment to retreat into solitude so you can meditate and reflect on problems pertaining to your spiritual and mental wellbeing. Begin the process by figuring out how to connect your spiritual needs to your physical ones.

January 20 - February 18

What needs to change in order to establish a greater sense of direction for your long term goals?

What needs to change in order to establish a greater sense of direction for your long term goals?

What aspects of your hopes and dreams do you need to let go? Make time to isolate yourself so that you can evaluate your belief system and home life. Ask yourself what changes need to be made in order to establish a greater sense of harmony and direction for your long term goals.

What aspects of your hopes and dreams do you need to let go? Make time to isolate yourself so that you can evaluate your belief system and home life. Ask yourself what changes need to be made in order to establish a greater sense of harmony and direction for your long term goals.

February 19 - March 20

Right now it’s good to ask yourself how you can turn your dreams into reality?

Right now it’s good to ask yourself how you can turn your dreams into reality?

Dreaming is everything to you, Pisces. Right now it’s good to ask yourself how you can turn those dreams into reality, and you may realize it’s not something you can envision on your own. Who are the friends who could help you envision new possibilities? Reach out to them, now is the time to finally embark upon a long-awaited journey towards creating a name for yourself.

Dreaming is everything to you, Pisces. Right now it’s good to ask yourself how you can turn those dreams into reality, and you may realize it’s not something you can envision on your own. Who are the friends who could help you envision new possibilities? Reach out to them, now is the time to finally embark upon a long-awaited journey towards creating a name for yourself.

Shop Our Favorite Saggitarius Looks

Shop Our Favorite Scorpio Looks

Written by Deja Lewis-Nwalipenja
The Association for Young Astrologers (AYA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational and networking opportunities for those interested in astrology, with a focus on young people. Their mission is to ensure the continuity of the astrological tradition across generations. To this end, they support aspiring astrologers by offering a community where they can learn, be inspired, and connect with both peers and mentors.
Déjà Lewis-Nwalipenja is a consulting astrologer born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. She is deeply passionate about developing a life philosophy using astrology, transformative justice, and creative-expression. Deja has been practicing astrology for almost 2 years and recently began focusing on vocational astrology and social media marketing for other astrologers and spiritual practitioners.
Website: | Twitter: @dejathejovian | Instagram: @dejathejovian | Youtube: @dejathejovian