Welcome Virgo Season!

From August 23rd to September 22nd, the sun shines in Virgo. The cusp between Summer’s end and Autumn’s beginning is when we soak up the sun before it starts to set a little earlier. Lazy, long days morph effortlessly into hours that are a little more focused on new beginnings. This is the part of the year when school, of all kinds, starts again. Virgo, an earth sign, is historically represented through the goddess of agriculture. This is a great time, then, to consider what is yours to harvest. What seeds did you plant this summer that have grown?

A good moment to evaluate will be the Full Moon in Pisces on August 30th. At this time Here, you’ll find some emotional ripening. Start fresh with the New Moon in Virgo on September 15th. In between, from August 23rd – September 15, Mercury stations retrograde. Don’t panic, but stay patient. If human error occurs, know that it was written in the stars, and let it go.

Food vibes for this season: feast on the last of the season’s bounty. Make a pie or crumble with your favorite berries. Eat the last of the stone fruit, savoring the taste of sunset. Make everything leftover into jams, chutneys, compotes, memories. Do what you can to preserve the sweetness of the summer, and enjoy!

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome, Leo Season!
The lion’s season begins on July 22nd and blazes through August 23rd. This time is a flaming burst of socializing and celebrating: long, hot days, refreshing cool nights, and thorough rest.
This month will have us focusing a bit more on logistics, which might feel like a soothing balm to the hot chaos of summertime. On July 28th, Mercury enters Virgo, creating forward-thinking communication for the season ahead. August 1st brings a full moon in Aquarius, a wonderful time to dream. A new moon in Leo on August 16th presents us with a fresh, vibrant start. This is the perfect moment to set intentions and de-clutter, particularly before Mercury enters retrograde at the end of August.
Food vibes this season: mindful celebration. Plan meals together and partake in communal connection outside. Hydrate in creative ways: spritzes, teas, smoothies. Remember that our tastebuds are one of our strongest connections to memory, so savor each gathering, knowing that in doing so, you’re preserving the summer.


March 21 - April 19

This month finds you energized, Aries, enjoying what feels like a fresh start at the end of August. Still, the wind down into the coming season might feel a bit dreary. Don’t be surprised if, towards the end of September, you find yourself a bit startled at the slower pace. Even if things feel abrupt, trust that you’ll settle in.

This month finds you energized, Aries, enjoying what feels like a fresh start at the end of August. Still, the wind down into the coming season might feel a bit dreary. Don’t be surprised if, towards the end of September, you find yourself a bit startled at the slower pace. Even if things feel abrupt, trust that you’ll settle in.


May 21 - June 20

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

Your brain is zooming this season, Gemini, electric, and engaged. While this summer has found you buzzing socially, you might find your vibe this Virgo season to be in the realm of your own creativity and projects. See where this energy takes you.

Your brain is zooming this season, Gemini, electric, and engaged. While this summer has found you buzzing socially, you might find your vibe this Virgo season to be in the realm of your own creativity and projects. See where this energy takes you.


April 20 - May 20

You sink into this earthy season with ease, Taurus, hitting the ground running. This is a great month for you to get organized and clear. You might feel particularly drawn to figuring out new ways to take care of yourself, so settle in and build routines that feel good to you.


June 21 - July 22

You’ll likely feel the impulse to get grounded this season, Cancer, and dig your feet into some stability. You’ll find some insight and your own watery way, around the August 30th full moon in Pisces. Carve space out in your schedule for witnessing what clarity comes.

Cancer, this is your moment to recharge. Trust your intuition, knowing well that for an oceanic creature like you, the summer can get so hot that it scorches. Use the New Moon on the 16th to think about how to water your reserves.


July 23 - August 22

Even though you’ll miss your own season, Leo, this one holds promise too. Instead of hot summer celebrations like last month, you’ll find quieter celebrations in seeing what the coming months hold. Now is the moment to deal with the practical tasks you put off this summer so that you can reap the rewards to come.

Happy birthday, Leo! You already know that your charisma will have reached new heights this season, with the solar rays you exude matching your internal energy. Bask in the light of your moment. Amidst the solar rays, this is also a moment of profound personal growth. Around the new moon on the 16th, take stock. What’s changed since your last birthday? Where do you locate yourself? The gratitude will feel immense.


August 23 - September 22

Happy birthday, Virgo! Welcome to your season. Practical, nurturing, and sympathetic, yours is a sign that does so much behind the scenes. This is the moment that you get the credit you deserve, the sun illuminating your grounded, patient nature. Having harvested the bounty of your labor, you get to shine!

While there is a Mercury retrograde this month, use it as an opportunity to communicate as directly as possible how you want your celebrations to look and feel. Use the full moon on August 30th to harness the emotions of all that you’ve accomplished this Summer, and the new moon in your sign on September 14th to release it all.

This season you’ll notice others speaking your language. As Mercury enters Virgo, this is a moment for productivity and stated desires. What’s been on your personal-life to-do list? Now is the time to check things off.


September 23 - October 21

You’ll be called on this season, Libra, as Mercury retrograde hits between August 23rd and September 15th. It would be wise to anticipate phone calls and shoulder taps from others, to use your balanced nature to settle miscommunication. Even out the scales as you see fit.

This season will accentuate your feelings of connectedness. You’ll find new friends in unexpected spaces, so take particular notice of where your intuition guides you. Who are you drawn towards? If you find yourself pulled in too many directions, take a moment to balance your internal scales.


October 22 - November 21

Something is manifesting, Scorpio. Likely something that you’ve been building for a season now. Trust that you’re on the right track, even if the pace is slower than you’d hoped. Sit in the sun and remember patience.

You’ve moved through some waves this summer, Scorpio, so it makes sense this season to feel a bit more subdued. You’ll do your best to care for yourself first, walking lightly and nourishing the parts of you that are a little worn down. The more you prioritize yourself, the sooner your intuition will guide your forward.


November 22 - December 21

This season might light you up, Sag, but with some urges towards organization. You’re usually a spontaneous creature, but now is a moment when planning will come to you easily. Use this month to be social, but also to note some aspirations. What seeds will you plant for the next season?

This season might light you up, Sag, but with some urges towards organization. You’re usually a spontaneous creature, but now is a moment when planning will come to you easily. Use this month to be social, but also to note some aspirations. What seeds will you plant for the next season?


December 22 - January 19

This might be the moment that you get the recognition you’ve been looking for. You’ve been supporting behind the scenes for a little while, putting in the legwork. Though perhaps those efforts have seemed invisible to others, the sun’s light will illuminate them – and you – this season.

You take well to this season of grounding, Capricorn, but you might not feel the satisfaction of your labor immediately. This is also a stretch of time to employ your good patience. If things feel a bit untethered this Mercury retrograde, just know that your efforts still count.


January 20 - February 18

You may have gotten a little harried at some point in the bursts of the summer. Now is the moment to spend some time introspecting and cooling off. Don’t worry about the frenzy you might feel around you. Tap into dusk and sunset, when the light will be less intense but just as beautiful.

Something’s shifted for you, Aquarius, and it’s exciting. When you take a look at your life’s landscape, what is the new ecosystem that has developed? What is getting stirred up, activating a sense of adventure? Now is the time to let yourself get carried away by something.


February 19 - March 20

Hang with your friends! This has been a season of growth for you, Pisces – profound, but perhaps a bit serious. Take this as your urge toward levity and don’t forget to celebrate.

This Summer has been filled with waxing and waning for you, Pisces, and now is the final catharsis. A full moon in your sign comes August 30th, bringing a wash of clarity through the ether. Whatever comes up, your only job is to feel it.

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